Archive | January 2014

January 12 2013 A New Year, a New Challenge and Egyptian Mythology..

It has been what feels like forever since I finished my 2013 Photo Challenge, when in fact it has only been a little over a week. It is still boggles my mind that I was able to do it. It was a certainly a hard challenge to do but one in the end is so very worth it. Now I have all of 2013 to remember in pictures. The best part is this challenge captured all the craziness that happened this year, from my sister getting married and having beautiful little girl to me getting a new job in Ontario. It has been a roller coaster year and one I will love looking through for a long time to come. Though once I was done I was struck with the question of what to do next? I knew I wanted to keep taking pictures but perhaps not to the same sheer volume I did this past year. So I decided that every month I will pick a new theme and instead of once a day I will be publishing a series of images each along a common theme. January’s theme was given to me by my friend Lisa, nice and simple Black and White. Here are the first images of of the month :).

This is a piece of art that is out in front of my new work in North York. I didn’t think it before, but looking at these pictures, this contraption reminds me of Anubis, the ancient Egyptian Jackal God of the Dead. I have always loved the mythology surrounding that pantheon of gods, it is always just fascinated me. One of my favorites was always Anubis, you can see his face small and unassuming at the top there. Perhaps all those things are the tools of mummification, or he happens to be holding the really complex scales of Osiris… Either way this statue has been given new life in my mind and that makes all the more Awesome. Black and white-4Black and white-2

January 1 2014 Old Habits Die Hard

Aquarium-7 Aquarium-5

Ok so today I did manage to get to the new Ripley’s Aquarium in Toronto, I wasn’t planning on posting today but I liked these pictures so much I thought I had too..

December 31 2013 The Last day Never Goes the Way you Expect it

Last day

This is the last day of my Photo Challenge, I can’t believe I did it, posted a picture for every single day of this last year. My blog here is by no means over but I think I will be changing how I do things now, I will let you know what I decide in the new year. Now to the picture, my original intention today was to make it down to the Ripley’s Aquarium and take pictures of various sea creatures… though that never happened as a result of a series of unfortunate events.. So I took a picture of this tree, this is a spruce that was planted by my great grandfather when I was born..  and is still a pretty amazing thing to look up at even now so many years later. I can’t believe how much taller than me it is!

December 30 2013 Fading but still Great


So I went to the Royal Ontario Museum today to see the Mesopotamia and Wildlife photography exhibits and somewhat ironically forgot my camera. It was fine in the end because they did not allow photographs in those specific exhibits anyway but when I got home I was wondering what I could take a picture of that was still out of history, though perhaps not as far back as say the dinosaurs… In my parents basement I saw this, our old hockey game that my Dad found when I was a kid in a building that was going to be demolished. All mechanical and with interchangeable players from all the original six teams in the NHL. Now I have never been a hockey fan but this is still a great game to play even now.